Where I Need To Be…


This quote sure does say ALOT.  Personally, I always knew I would be a mother. But I NEVER thought I’d have four kids by the time I was 24.

I had so many plans for my life and ended up getting pregnant at 17. My whole world changed. But I definitely think I have ended up where I need to be.

Everyone is born to do something different..whether it be a doctor or an entertainer, I was born to be a mother. I honestly couldn’t picture my life any other way.

I am so much more then JUST A MOTHER. I am a “doctor”, a referee, a maid, a personal driver, a chef, and many other things.

With that being said, first post on the blog and hopefully many more to come.

Have a spectacular day and remember where ever you are at this moment in life, it is where you need to be.